Building community health and well-being through innovation and transformational system leadership


As one of Toronto’s largest social service agencies, WoodGreen knows firsthand the depth and breadth of the UNMET needs confronting our communities. Our 2024-2027 strategic plan is intended to help us chart an intentional path forward for supporting vulnerable members of our community to thrive amidst challenging times.

2024-2027 Strategic Plan

Pillar 1 | Expand resources and solutions to meet Toronto’s UNMET Needs

Priority 1: Grow in priority areas to address critical needs

Torontonians’ urgent UNMET needs are growing on every front. To be effective, WoodGreen will need to focus its growth efforts in 2024-2027 on certain key priority areas that offer us the best potential to leverage our strengths to benefit our clients, our sector, and our city.

Priority 2: Diversify revenue streams for sustainable growth

Adequately resourcing the organization to enable us to meet client needs is an ongoing challenge. Our traditional social service funding models have clear constraints in terms of financial and program autonomy and growth. To transform how community-based social services are delivered at WoodGreen, we must build additional revenue streams that offer the right balance of reliability and flexibility for sustainable growth.

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Pillar 2 | Transform the client journey to enhance service quality and maximize outcomes

Priority 1: Understand and leverage client data to offer more impactful and proactive service pathways

We rely on data to design evidence-informed services, monitor client outcomes, and evaluate our impact over time. To understand the complexity of clients’ needs, we first need to deepen our holistic understanding of our clients well-being. We need to better connect our client data, which currently sits across multiple systems and programs.

Priority 2: Transform the client journey, deepening seamless integration of services and wrap-around supports

WoodGreen delivers over 80 programs and services across 44 sites to Torontonians of all ages and backgrounds. These client touchpoints are natural opportunities to transform our clients’ experiences and journeys. No matter what door a client enters, we want them to receive the scope of service they need.

“Welcome to WoodGreen, how can we help you?”

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Pillar 3 | Drive system and policy solutions for greater community impact

Priority 1: Create an institute for social housing and health system excellence

To effectively meet & exceed UNMET client and community needs, we need to extend the transformation of social services design and delivery beyond WoodGreen. WoodGreen’s combined strengths in housing, health, and financial empowerment for Torontonians of all ages and backgrounds position us to help develop, model, and lead this change.

Priority 2: Establish thought leadership to influence policy

Over the next three years, we will challenge conventional thinking and drive innovation to shape policy decisions that affect community health and well-being. By leveraging our expertise in program development, research, continuous learning, collaboration, and networking, we will amplify our voice among sector stakeholders and support transformational change in social services for marginalized Torontonians.

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Pillar 4 | Build a thriving workforce for sustainable organizational success

Priority 1: Attract and retain top talent

We are passionate about creating an environment where innovation, collaboration, and personal growth are encouraged and celebrated. Our goal is to nurture a thriving workplace that attracts, retains, and develops top talent while maintaining a culture of respect, integrity, and diversity.

Priority 2: Cultivate an equitable and values-driven workforce

Creating a Toronto where everyone has the opportunity to thrive starts at our own door. We are responsible for modelling what it means to be an equity-centred organization. Dismantling inequity means proactively integrating anti-racism, diversity and inclusion practices into our workplace culture. We are committed to building an inclusive and diverse workforce that is representative of the communities we serve.

Priority 3: Support staff through organizational transformation

The first condition for successful organizational transformation is to engage staff as co-authors of our envisioned future. Belief in positive change is the fuel that ignites innovation and propels an organization toward growth and success. By engaging and empowering ourselves as employees and recognizing and nurturing our own agency, we will drive organizational improvement from within.

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Accelerators: Enabling our success as a force for change


To meet our 2024-2027 objectives, we will need to keep these accelerators in our sights and leverage them to enhance our success.