Together, we can tackle Toronto’s growing unmet needs.


So many people in our city are UNhoused, UNseen, UNsupported, UNwelcome, UNseen, and UNemployed.


But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can help provide people who are struggling with the support they need—from affordable housing to mental health support, newcomer or employment services, financial counselling, child care, seniors and youth programs, and more.


Your donation will ensure that Toronto’s residents have access to the support they need to not only survive but thrive.

Donate today

Your gift will go to more than 75 programs that support the health and well-being of 40,000 Toronto residents annually.

Every Dollar Can Make A Huge Impact

As one of the largest social service agencies in Toronto, WoodGreen works with communities and policymakers to deliver life-changing impacts and create new opportunities to thrive. We serve 40,000 people each year through innovative programs designed to reduce poverty and improve health and well-being.


None of this work would be possible without a strong network of supporters who champion the needs of the most vulnerable. Through your generous donations, you can drive real and lasting change on the most important issues facing our city.