5 min read
06 November 2023

Child care manager celebrates 25th anniversary with WoodGreen

Jennifer Mayville, Senior Manager, Communications

There aren’t too many people nowadays who can say that they’ve worked a quarter of a century with one organization. Katherine Jasinski is one of those people.

Katherine is currently the manager of WoodGreen’s Morse Street Child Care Centre and has held other roles with the organization over the years.


We asked her a few questions about her experience working with WoodGreen for the past 25 years. Here’s what she had to say!

When and how did you get started at WoodGreen?


I started at WoodGreen in 1998 as the child care unit’s Resource Consultant and worked closely with all the WoodGreen Child Care Centre staff, managers and the East End community. My passion for working with families with special needs and circumstances led me to WoodGreen. I am from the West End and knew nothing about WoodGreen, but I left my interview absolutely loving the agency and its core values. It was an organization that I wanted to work for.

In 2010 I became the manager of Morse St Child Care, one of our largest sites and I continue in that same position today

Tell us more about your role – What is a typical day like for you?


On a typical day, I work with staff to develop their skill set in child development, behaviour modification and problem-solving. I also support families and help them to create their village as they raise their children. We often have children from 18 months to 10 years of age, and we create a solid bond with families. They know they are in good hands with WoodGreen!

You’ve worked with WoodGreen for a long time – Why have you stayed so long? What do you enjoy about it?


I have stayed at WoodGreen this long because of the people I work with. They are supportive and committed and ensure children and families have what they need to raise their children.

Our unit has always sought to improve itself and is very aware of the research, teaching trends and innovative programs that support children and families. We are able to implement many of these through our unit and enhance our staff education and effective teaching strategies.

The professionals who work in this unit are some of the most dedicated professionals that I have ever worked with.

How have you maintained your enthusiasm and passion for teaching young children after so many years in the field?


Every day is different! In many jobs, you do the same work every day. In my role as a child care manager, every day is challenging AND rewarding. You affect the daily lives of children, families, and your staff.

What are some of the changes you’ve seen at the organization over the years?


WoodGreen has grown significantly over the years in all departments. One meaningful change for me was when WoodGreen hired a female President and CEO. I am very proud to be a part of an organization that makes this a priority.

In the Child Care & Family Services Unit, we have grown in size and number of clients and created an annual conference that will be running for its 8th year this year. We also ran this conference through COVID-19, teaching everyone to use Microsoft Teams to stay connected.

What are some of your best memories from over the years?


While I have been at WoodGreen for 25 years, I have had the same boss that whole time. The support from Elaine Levy, WoodGreen’s vice president of child care and family services, over the years has been remarkable. We all go through life changes and growth, and she has been there, supporting me every step of the way.

I have developed strong friendships with my co-workers. Together, we show up every day with a smile on our faces to take on each day’s challenges.

Is there anything else you would like us to know?


My philosophy is to help our staff and clients advocate for themselves, learn how to self-reflect, and be proud of the professional field that we have chosen!

Thank you Katherine for everything you’ve done for WoodGreen these past 25 years.


If you would like to learn more about WoodGreen’s child care services, please visit this page.

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