Why become a WoodGreen Board Member?

Founded in 1937, WoodGreen is a community-based, multi-service, non-profit organization that provides over 75 programs and services to the residents of east Toronto. Our mission statement is:


Our mission at WoodGreen is to enhance self-sufficiency, promote well-being, and reduce poverty through innovative solutions to critical social needs.


WoodGreen is divided into the following service units: Housing and Homeless Supports, Community Care and Wellness, Community Programs (including employment, workforce development and financial empowerment, newcomer and settlement supports), Child Care and Family Services, Youth Services and Strategy & Innovation


WoodGreen currently operates with over 1000 full and part time staff members and approximately 700 active volunteers. WoodGreen’s staff are represented by the Workers United of Ontario. There is a 13 – 16 person volunteer Board of Directors.


An overview of the commitment and involvement expected of WoodGreen Board Members is as follows:


General Requirements & Expectations of Board Members


  • Interest in community services in Toronto
  • Commitment to the organization’s mission, vision and values
  • Be emblematic of the Board Code of Conduct
  • Act in accordance with established governance policies and bylaws of the corporations
  • Become a member of WoodGreen and renew this membership annually
  • Prepare for and participate in WCS/WCHI/WYS/WSC Board meetings and Committee meetings
  • Participate and vote as a member at annual general meetings
  • Serve on at least one Board committee
  • Participate in other organizational events (Board Offsite, Staff & Volunteer Recognition, Golf Tournament, Open Houses etc.)
  • Contribute to WCS and United Way annual fundraising campaigns


Time Commitment Required


  • Business of the Board


Board business is conducted at Board meetings and through other activities as set out below. Consistent attendance at these events is critical for the Board to fulfill its role and responsibilities.





  • Overall Support to the Organization


For Board members that are interested and have the capacity to give more than what is outlined above there are plenty of opportunities to align with your interest. The following are options to spend your time:

  • Site Tours / visits
  • Engage in a Volunteer activity (Meals on Wheels, Tutoring)
  • Be a WoodGreen Ambassador (participate in a deputation, etc)
  • Invest in skill development of staff by sharing your expertise


Financial Support


As Board Members, leadership in WoodGreen’s fundraising efforts through personal contributions is another important aspect of the Board’s support to the organization. Therefore, each Board Member is expected to demonstrate their support by contributing an amount, at their discretion, to:


  1. WoodGreen’s annual fundraising drive
  2. United Way’s annual fundraising drive


Committees of the Board


From time to time, the board may set up ad hoc committees. Board members are expected to play a significant role on these committees beyond their normal Board responsibilities.

Ready to participate?

If you are interested in being considered for a position on the WoodGreen Board of Directors, please submit a letter of interest and CV, and complete the candidate survey, by 5 p.m. on April 4th, 2025, to:

Contact information

Amreen Kalsi

Executive Assistant