We would like to invite you to take part in a project evaluating the effectiveness of WoodGreen’s Income Transition Project. The following information describes the study to inform your decision to participate. If you choose to participate, you can submit your information to WoodGreen via this form.
Who is organizing this evaluation?
This evaluation is being conducted by Behavioural Insights Ltd, known as the Behavioural Insights Team, in collaboration with WoodGreen Community Services.
The Behavioural Insights Team is an organization that conducts research and evaluations and makes recommendations for how to improve programs and services. The evaluation team is being led by Brianne Kirkpatrick, Principal Advisor, at the Behavioural Insights Team.
Why are we doing this evaluation?
The purpose of this project is to examine the impact of WoodGreen’s Income Transition Project on outcomes related to employment, training, and financial wellbeing. The Behavioural Insights Team will use this information to create a report describing the impact of the program.
What will I be asked to do?
You may be asked to fill out a few short surveys throughout the duration of the program. You will be asked questions about your goals and your financial wellbeing. For example, a question you might be asked is, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: I feel motivated to transition to employment.”? Survey data will be anonymized by WoodGreen before sharing with the Behavioural Insights Team.
You will also be asked to share administrative data that is routinely collected by Toronto Employment and Social Services (TESS) and the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and data that you have agreed to share with WoodGreen Community Services (e.g., if you participate in the program) with the Behavioural Insights Team. This data will be anonymized before sharing with the Behavioural Insights Team; they will not be able to identify you at any point throughout the evaluation. The data will allow us to better understand the demographics of those participating in the program, and whether the program had any impact on outcomes like employment and training.
What happens with the information?
The data we collect will be secured safely on a restricted access drive. Only the research team will have access to this. It will be used to understand whether the program had any impact on outcomes like employment and training.
If you are invited to fill out and survey, and do so, we will use an anonymous summary of your answers in an evaluation report. This means that we will not use your name or any other details that could be used to identify you. We will share the report with our project partners at WoodGreen Community Services and TESS, and other interested stakeholders (e.g., MCCSS, MLITSD, other financial empowerment providers.)
If you are invited to fill out a survey you will be offered a small amount of compensation (e.g., $5 gift card). Details will be provided with the survey.
Benefits of Participation
By participating in this program, you are contributing to understanding of the effectiveness and impacts of WoodGreen’s Income Transition Program. These results will help decide whether to continue the program and broaden its reach to other regions in Ontario.
Risks of Participation
If you are invited to complete a survey at a later date, the survey will ask about your experiences with unemployment and career services. This may be a potentially sensitive topic, but is similar to the kinds of things you might encounter regularly in your daily life. You are free to decline to answer a question and may end the survey at any time. If you experience any discomfort while completing the survey, you may skip a question or withdraw at any time with no negative consequences. If you would like to access mental health supports, resources are available, including:
- ConnexOntario: 1-866 -531-2600 or connexontario.ca
- Talk Suicide: 1-833-456-4566 or talksuicide.ca
- Hope for Wellness Help Line (for all Indigenous peoples across Canada): 1-855-242-3310
- National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419
- Talk4healing (for Indigenous women): 1-855-554-4325
Voluntary Participation in the ITP
Participation in the ITP is completely voluntary and you can change your mind about taking part at any time. Your decision whether or not to participate, or to stop your participation at any time, will not impact any benefits and/or services you may receive.
More Information
Please let us know if you have any questions via email at [email protected].