The $25M UnMET Needs Campaign aims to provide the much-needed funds for WoodGreen to support ongoing and new programs and strives to meet the UnMet needs of the community we serve.
- UNSEEN – Provide seniors affordable housing and community care supports.
- UNSUPPORTED – Empower youth with education, skills training, and mental health and wellness programs.
- UNHOUSED – Provide affordable housing for at-risk youth and marginalized populations.
- UNSAFE – Provide housing, childcare, training and education for women and children fleeing abuse.
- UNWELCOME – Expand settlement services for newcomers and enhance skills training.
- UNEMPLOYED – Address training and employment needs for individuals who are unemployed or under-employed.
- URGENT UNMET – Alleviate immediate food and financial insecurity.
We need Change Makers to lead the way. Change Makers who can inspire the kind of change needed to address the challenges our city is facing. Change Makers who understand that if we don’t take bold and decisive action now, we are going to further marginalize thousands of people to a life of desperation and endless poverty.
Together we are front line workers, leaders, innovators and CHANGE MAKERS!