Services pour les adultes ayant d’une déficience intellectuelle
Notre équipe relie des adultes ayant d’une déficience intellectuelle aux services communautaires.
Faites en bref
Catégories de service: Services aux personnes ayant un handicap, Services de santé
Admissibilité: Offert aux adultes de plus de 18 ans. Les clients doivent avoir une requête de suivi des Services de l’Ontario pour les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle (SOPDI).
Prestation: Ce programme est actuellement disponible en ligne et/ou par téléphone. Cette information sera mise à jour quand le programme reprendra ses services en personne.
Frais: Gratuit
Dates du programme: Offert toute l’année
Partenaires: Services de l’Ontario pour les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle
WoodGreen travaille avec les adultes qui vivent avec des défiances intellectuelles pour qu’ils accèdent aux services communautaires. Notre équipe fournit des ressources pour identifier des soutiens financiers, des logements abordables, des services médicaux et des activités récréatives. Nous offrons également des ateliers afin de développer les compétences fondamentales de la vie, telles que la résolution de problèmes, la planification budgétaire et la cultivation des relations saines.
Ressources de soutien
Services de l’Ontario pour les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle (SOPDI) est le point d’accès aux services aux adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle financés par le Ministère des Services à l’enfance et des Services sociaux et communautaires en Ontario.
Il existe neuf agences SOPDI réparties dans la province, qui desservent différents comtés et régions. Si vous avez une déficience intellectuelle, que vous vivez en Ontario et que vous avez 18 ans, vous devez faire une demande auprès du SOPDI pour savoir si vous êtes admissible aux soutiens financés par le ministère pour adultes disponibles dans votre communauté.
Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Our programs connect adults with developmental disabilities to financial services, affordable housing, medical care, recreational activities and life skills training.
Services for Children with Developmental Disabilities
This program supports children with developmental disabilities, as well as their families, providing accessible and meaningful opportunities for community participation.
Services pour les enfants ayant une déficience intellectuelle
WoodGreen soutient les enfants qui vivent avec une déficience intellectuelle, ainsi que leurs familles, afin qu’ils aient de possibilités significatives pour s’épanouir, prospérer et tisser des liens avec leurs communautés.
Ce programme est actuellement disponible en ligne et/ou par téléphone.
Offert aux enfants de moins de 18 ans ayant une déficience intellectuelle
Employment Accessibility Services for Persons with Disabilities - EAS
This program assists post-secondary students and graduates with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and maintain meaningful employment. Our team aims to reduce disability-related barriers to employment while supporting clients to achieve their goals.
WoodGreen offers free Pre-Apprentice and Trades Programs, catering to newcomers and those facing employment barriers to provide a pathway to high-demand trades. Participants undergo assessments for grade 12 Math and English and engage in Academic Upgrading to develop essential communication and numeracy skills for entry into skilled trades.
In partnership with George Brown College, this 15-week skills training program provides newcomers and jobseekers with an opportunity to start their skilled trades career in plumbing. Participants will have access to additional supports to assist them with their training throughout the program.
Industrial Mechanic Millwright Pre-Apprenticeship Program
This free program equips students with skills related to the millwright trade, which involves installing, maintaining, diagnosing and repairing industrial machines. Delivered by George Brown College in partnership with WoodGreen, the program includes trade readiness, employment preparation and academic upgrading.
This VFX training program is designed to give Black youth a competitive edge as they launch careers in digital compositing. Over 23 weeks, participants gain the knowledge and experience necessary to find post-production work. Training includes a six-week paid internship.
A transitional housing program for men 55+ with a history of homelessness and mental health or addictions issues. We provide safe housing and wrap-around supports to help clients build new skills and recreate a sense of community.
In person, virtual, on the phone
Men 55+ who have experienced mental health or substance use issues, street involvement, homelessness and unstable housing
Operated in partnership with Fife House, this site has 112 mixed units and offers supportive housing for Fife House clients living with HIV/AIDS and frail seniors receiving WoodGreen assisted living services. It also hosts an 11-unit transitional housing program for individuals living with HIV/AIDS and working toward permanent housing.
Our team delivers hot and frozen meals to seniors and adults living with disabilities. We also provide at-home security and wellness checks and help with accessing local services.
In person
Seniors 55+ and adults living with disabilities who are unable to prepare nutritious meals (as per Canada’s Food Guide)
WoodGreen’s registered social workers and staff offer free single session counselling to address issues such as anxiety, depression, anger management and relationship challenges, and discuss strategies for positive change.
We offer clinical and therapeutic counselling, case management and group support services to individuals experiencing mental health, substance use and other challenges. Longer-term services (up to two years) are available, depending on client needs.
In-person, virtual, on the phone
Age 16+ with mental health and/or addiction issues
Comprehensive Care and Integration Specialist (CCIS) Team
Our team of clinical social workers provide a comprehensive approach to care for clients with complex health and psychosocial needs. We work to fill the gaps in care by connecting clients to essential services, coordinating follow-up care, and providing case management and counselling.